Sex, Drugs, Estrogens and the Human Fetus
Thursday, 01 October 2015
From 1900 to 2100
Medico-Chirurgical Hall
Professor Paul Fowler, Chair of Translational Medical Science, Programme Leader: Cell, Developmental & Cancer, University of Aberdeen.
Medico-Chirurgical Hall at 7.00 pm (preceded by a finger buffet from 6.00 pm)
Notes for Society Meeting 1st Oct 2015
The President welcomed those attending to the first meeting on his programme.
The meeting began with the presentation of cheques to representatives of the three local charities chosen as beneficiaries of the money raised at the ‘Famous for Five Minutes’ event held in June. The event’s main sponsor, Mr Bill Smith of Financial Services also attended and his contribution was acknowledged. Just over £750 was presented to each charity and on receiving their respective cheques Mr Crombie (Brain Injury Group), Mr MacBeath (Aberdeen Cyrenians) and Professor George Youngson (Archie Foundation) each said a few words about the work of their charity.
The evening’s talk was given by Professor Paul Fowler, Professor of Translational Medicine Science at the University of Aberdeen. He gave an overview of his work on the effects of the chemical/hormonal intrauterine environment on subsequent reproductive development and health with reference to the effects of environmental toxins – particularly those associated with cigarette smoking – and endogenous oestrogen production in early foetal development. A question and answer session followed and a vote of thanks was proposed by the President.
The audience was reminded of the forthcoming Electives evening, the next meeting on the President’s programme and of the arrangements for the Annual Founders’ Commemorative Dinner.