
The Med-Chi awards annual student bursaries as follows

Elective Bursaries

Six bursaries of £600 each are awarded for the best elective proposals. The winners are chosen by an elective committee headed by the Electives Convenor.

The eponymous names for these awards are taken from renowned medics of great achievement as follows:

  • Sir James McGrigor
  • Professor John Mallard
  • Professor Hans Kosterlitz
  • Professor Sir Ashley Mackintosh
  • Sir Patrick Manson
  • Dr Mary Esslemont

Recipients of these awards are expected to make a short presentation of the results of their elective project at a meeting of the Society.

An additional award, The Adam Quaich, is presented for the best presentation on the night.

Strachan Bursary

One award per year of £250.

The award is given for the clinical examination held annually in June. Arrangements and selection are made by the Department of Medicine & Therapeutics. A certificate and the cheque are presented to the winner at the Society’s November scientific meeting.