Winning the Peace?

The 2019 symposium acknowledged the medical advances which have occurred during military campaigns. The speakers also addressed present day challenges faced by health professionals.

The programme includes material which may be upsetting to some and  may not be suitable for children under 12.

> Leaflet (PDF)

The Exhibition

Suttie Room 402 4pm to 7pm

This display illustrated challenges faced in wartime and some of the innovations in medical treatments.

Staff from 205 (Scottish) Field Hospital demonstrated equipment used by the military services.

The Symposium was recorded by video-capture. Presentations and audio recordings are made available for private study only.
© Aberdeen MedChi. Copying is not permitted without permission.

The Symposium


  • Part 1
  • Part 2

Suttie Lecture Theatre 7pm to 9.30pm

There will be a presentation illustrating how lessons in the field have led to the development of emergency care in the NHS. Also examples of wartime innovations which have given rise to new treatments such as chemotherapy or investigations such as ultrasound.

Speakers will also address present day challenges in public health both in the UK and across the World.



The Society commissioned Paul Anderson to compose and play music as a memorial to those who sought to save lives during World War I.


Winning the peace?

Part 1 –  7 pm Welcome & Introduction by
Stephen Lynch, President of the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society

Paul Anderson plays ‘Winning the peace’

Responding to emergencies and pre – hospital care.
Andrew Gilmour, Officer Commanding, Aberdeen Detachment, 205 (Scottish) Field Hospital

Medical Advances as a result of WW1

From SONAR to sonography; a legacy to future generations
George A Corner, Professor, Bioengineering Research Centre, University of Dundee

Development of the first chemotherapy drug from mustard agent
Heather M Wallace, Professor in Biochemical Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Aberdeen

8.15 pm Refreshments

Part 2 – 8.45 pm The relationship between the state and the individual
Introduction by William Reith, President-Elect of the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society

What has changed?
Elizabeth M Russell, Professor of Social Medicine, University of Aberdeen

Services for children
Stephen W Turner, Professor of Child Health, University of Aberdeen

A worldwide perspective
W Cairns S Smith, Professor of Public Health, University of Aberdeen